Sunday, December 30, 2007

The One where Jasmine Thinks About After-Christmas shopping...

While I was at my parents' home in LA the other day, my dad was watching TV and being bombarded with After-Christmas sales commercials. He was asking out loud, "More shopping?!" I happily replied to him, "Dad, these sales are for people to buy what they didn't get for Christmas. Or to spend even more money on sale items that they don't need."

Granted, I did go shopping a couple days after Christmas and bought some candles for sale, I didn't specifically go for the sales in mind.

But it did get me thinking, if I wrote a letter to Santa this year, what would be on my list? Here is my would-be list to Santa this year, and surprisingly, it's not ALL electronic gadgets:

Scented candles

I like lighting candles, especially in the winter time, when it's cold outside. I haven't had a nice-smelling candle in awhile. The one in my apt is a ginger-lime scented one that my students gave me last year for Christmas. So my sister generously gave me a Passionfruit-Guava one from White Barn New York (aka Bath and Body Works). I also bought a pineapple-mango and strawberry patch one at the 50% off sale this week. They smell so yummy!

Moleskine journals

I have finally discovered the world of Moleskine journals. They're leather-bound and the pages inside are so smooth! I bought a plain one recently for my inspiration journal for photography and it's just so beautiful. Almost too beautiful to use. They also have pocket-sized ones too. The end of 2007 found me journaling a lot more and I'm definitely thinking about picking up one of these for my next prayer journal when I finish my current one.

iTouch iPod

I unfortunately lost my beloved iPod on the plane while traveling to Amanda's wedding in Indiana this past fall. I'm still missing it after all these months. Mostly because it took me SO long to import all my music onto it and because I lost all the playlists that I spent days making. Since my previous computer had a 20gb harddrive, I didn't have my music stored on it, so I lost everything. I still have the music, but I just need to re-import it. The new iTouch iPods look real sexy. Hopefully after all the wedding stuff is paid for, I can buy myself a new iPod. :) Oooh and iTunes gift cards rock too!

Starbucks Chai Tea Lattes with Soy

I am a bit ashamed to admit that every year I look forward to when Starbucks comes out with their holiday cups because it signifies that Christmas is coming! Hey, when you get no snow in SoCal and the temps are usually warmer than 60 degrees, you find that it's somewhat difficult to sing along to "Winter Wonderland." My usual drink is a chai tea with soy. Yum-o. Mucho calories, so 2008 will probably not include a lot of these yummy delights.

Canon Powershot SD870

I love my dSLR. It's marvelous. However, it's a bit big to carry around like in my purse for everyday pictures. I've been wanting to buy a Point-and-shoot for awhile now. Something to take normal everyday photos without having to carry a huge camera around. My sister just got this one for Christmas and I have to say, point-and-shoot cameras have come a long way in the past several years.

and since we're asking Santa, if I could really go all out and ask for something extravagant...
I'd really love a new lens.

Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8 L USM lens
I had the opportunity to play a little bit with this lens when Kevin and I went to the SD Photo Expo not too long ago. Great lens. It'd be a great walk-around lens and many photographers recommend that if you only had one lens in wedding photography, this is the one. *drool* One can dream!

1 comment:

~kelly marie~ said...

I just got into lighting candles more. I love that I can have scents for all the seasons! My brother just got an iPod touch. He loves it, especially because he can show a decent size video on it of work he's done. You could do slideshows of photos! :)